How many children are in your classes? Up to 12 children

What is the child to teacher ratio? 1/6

How old does my child have to be to attend your school? 3 by October 1st. 

Are you a licensed preschool? Yes! The Ranch Preschool is licensed through the State of Colorado Office of Early Childhood. 

Can my child start preschool mid year when they turn 3 years old? Yes, as long as we have an open spot. 

Does my child have to be potty trained? Yes, but we understand that this is a process and accidents might happen. 

Can my child wear Pull-Ups to school? Yes, we understand that potty training is a process.  If a child does have an accident, we will call the parents to come change their child.

When can I register for future classes? We open registration the January before fall classes start. Email us to be put on the interest list so you don't miss out on registration. theranchpreschool@gmail.com

Can I volunteer in preschool? Absolutely! We have an open door policy. Anytime you would like to come to school we would love to have you. 

When does school start? The Tuesday after Labor Day.

Do you offer any summer classes? We usually offer a few camps through the summer but there are no official summer classes.

Timnath, Colorado
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